Lately, Acapo has received a number of inquiries from clients that have received renewal notices for their trademark registrations from the company Varemerke Byrå, which can be translated into Trademark Bureau.
The reactions we have received regards both the fact that the trademark owners find it annoying continuously to look out for fly-by-night or fraudulent market players, and that the price level for the renewal services is far beyond the common fee level amongst serious operators in the market.
The Norwegian Industrial Property Office has made a list of entities that distribute airy renewal notices and fraudulent invoices. The entity Varemerke Byrå is listed on this “blacklist”. Please refer to NIPO’s homepage
Varemerke Byrå is registered in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises as a Norwegian registered foreign entity.
Feel free to contact us if you have any inquiries regarding renewal of your trademark registrations.
For Acapo AS